Tanah Grogot sub-district

Tanah grogot Map
This is the map of Tanah Grogot,this is where I'm lived.....
You just look,the red zone,that is the region of the tanah Grogot sub-district,was not extensive....but tanah grogot still nice,because in there many history building,like the tomb kings belengkong,the museum of kingdom stuff....
Putri Saleha garden
beside that,in tanah grogot there are a palce where the where many people, young children go....that's Putri saleha Garden
every saturday night this place certainly,crowded with...the youn man,want tobe dating
And about the religion....tanah grogot not less from the other sub-district,even no less with the other regency....because in tanah grogot there are the most biggest
mosque in Paser regency,that's Nurul Fallah mosque.and beside
that there are one biggest the center of islam in Paser regency....that's MTQ putri betung.

MTQ Putri Betung,Tanah Grogot

Nurul Fallah Mosque

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